LWBS is an auxiliary of the Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod.

Living Way Bible Study (LWBS) is a practical course of study with a special emphasis on the application of God's Word to the life of the individual.
While emphasizing practical application, LWBS presents each book of the Bible as the holy, inspired, Word of God, the confessional position of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
Our purpose is to help equip believers to live joyfully in God's redeeming love and to share with others God's plan of salvation.
LWBS is also a means to reach those interested in the Christian faith and who may not be members of a church. With its emphasis on the Bible itself, it has an appeal to Christians as well as to others who are searching for the truth.
Grow Your
Living Way
Bible Studies!
Get ready for an exciting new addition to our collection!
We're thrilled to announce that a Spanish version of the "Parables of Jesus" is available now! "Great People of the Old Testament" will be available soon. Tune in for updates and prepare to experience these studies in a whole new language!
Available Now!

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The book, though about 3,000 years old is still wondrously up-to-date as it speaks of ethical, moral, and religious teaching for everyday living. The key verse (1:7) is, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge [wisdom]."
Available Now !

What does slavery in Egypt and wandering in the wilderness have to do with us in the 21st century? Exodus describes the exciting ways God delivered His people from slavery and led them through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. Today, as then, He still delivers and leads us by the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit and speaks to us through His Word. Exodus shows us WHO sets us free!
6571 E. El Roble Street, Long Beach, CA 90815
LWBS is an organization that maintains a non-profit status and qualifies as a 501 (C) (3) organization with the IRS.
Updated August 2017